Healthy and having productive relationships with family and
friends is one of the most important things in life to have. Each person has to
be a participant to create a positive effect to each other. Looking at my
surrounding family and friends I have a great circle of people who bring out
the best in me and I bring out the best in them. These people include:
My daughter- Kylie has to be the number one relationship in
my life, and the reason why I say this is with her I get to practice each day
the act of love. I love my child in every aspect from the bad times, the
terrible two times, the learning times, the crying times, and all the other
times. I have to improve on myself in order to grow her up to be the type of
young woman that I want her to be.
My sister- My whom is younger than me makes me realize that
out relationship is based on setting an example of what is expected or her. We
are almost 14 years apart and growing up I didn’t have anyone to get advice
from, so I make sure I am available to be there for her if she ever needed me
to be. I encourage her to make, because I made it. I encourage her to make the
right choices, because I made mistakes and don’t want her making the same.
My grandmother- My grandmother relationship is important to
me because I have someone who I can talk to when I think about giving up. My
grandmother is a solider and she has been that person that even when life is
giving you pure hell, she will find a way to turn it around.
My co-teacher- Ms. Bridgett is my co-teacher and I think the
reason I value our relationship is because I can learn more about teaching from
someone who has been in the field of education. I give her my time as well as
she gives me her time. We also listen to each other and value each other’s
opinion, and this is a good idea to have when building a relationship with
someone. I look up to her so much, and it’s
not just because we work in the same classroom, but we all check on each other
outside of work as well.
My boyfriend- Malen Is my boyfriend for going on 5 years,
and why our relationship is important is because if I can’t trust anyone I know
that I can trust him. It has been time where I have had issues with work that I
have brought to him and he was able to give his outside opinion and it helped a
lot because he isn’t in the education field. When it comes to my daughter I
make sure that we have a relationship built so that I can trust him with her
and understand that decisions made when I am not around are for the best
interest for my daughter.
These relationships are important, and I couldn’t see my
life without these people in them. I encourage everyone to have atleast one
person that they must confine in. Having a connection with someone helps
develop yourself as well. Positive relationships help us feel healthier and
I really enjoyed reading your blog. Having people in your life that surrounds you with positivity is the key to success. Your relationship with your daughter is special because not only does she give you the motivation and determination you need to keep going, but you are setting an example for her, and giving her the love she needs to thrive and one day have a successful future.