Thursday, July 20, 2017

My Childhood Webb
          The support system that I had growing up has inspired me to be the type of teacher and the type of parent I am TODAY!
  MOM- As a child my mother was the one person who always made sure I had before I needed. This means that she provided at all times to making sure she was available at school events to making sure that I learned how to do simple hair styles.
 DAD- As a child my father was the person who taught me everything. He taught me things by doing them with me not by just telling me!!!
  Grandparents- My grandadday and my grandmother as a child always made me feel as if I could never fail. If I did something wrong at home, I still was perfect in their eyesight. Grandadday made me feel special, and Grandmother made me feel included even though they lived more miles away.
  Great Grandma- My greatmother as a child showed me how to conduct myself as a young lady, and she always showed me how to do things such as cooking and washing clothes.


  1. I enjoyed reading your Personal Childhood Web. We both share our parents as being the ones who has made a great influence in our lives. You are very luck to have your grandparents and especially your great grandmother show you things in life. Both sets of my grandparents passed away when I was a baby. So I really do not recall much, but from told stories I know that they loved me very much. Thank you Scott for sharing!

  2. It is evidence that your parents influence has impacted your life. I too had a strong bond with my father. He was my best friend growing up. My father made sure that I learned how to do things for myself, so I wouldn't have to be so dependent on others. Same for my mother, she taught me how to cook, clean and down my own hair as a child. It amazing that you are able to have a relationship with your great grandma. I happy that you have people in your life who have inspired you to be the teacher you are and have set a standard for the type of parent you want to be.


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